Sunday, July 14, 2013

Compacted Dreams

Dream big, right? Well, there are a few versions to this in practice.

First is the adolescent version: dream that "things can change" without taking any steps to make those changes.  Imagine instantaneous revival and incarnate redemption.  This is the dream of lottery-winning and dancing with the stars or what have you.  This is the American dream, that "anything" can happen, and damn the probabilities all to hell, those things will happen to you/me/us, the exceptional ones.

Second is the twenties-something career climber: dreams have solidified inside of a track; parameters are increasingly set and education and hard work will yield the path to the bigger adolescent dream buried deeper within the twenties-something psyche.   Fuck and suck and don't imagine turning thirty, because it won't happen and nothing is real, yet, i.e. only my ambition matters.

Third: Thirties.  Figuring out that life is not infinitely long.  Taking stock of past record of events and actions.  Accumulation of regrets and victories.  Trying hard to become someone practical and worthy.   The longer adolescent dreams hang on here the less progress is made.

Forties: Work out.  Get that aging body in shape.   Career work is embedded, entrenched, dreams regarding work are a laugh.  Cynicism has set in, and aerobics has come to combat it.

More soon.

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