Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dangerously Close to 2 Years Sober.

Never thought I'd achieve it, actually.  Twelve years ago, I stopped for eight months.  That was my first 'getting sober' session.  I thought then that I wouldn't drink again.  But I was wrong.

Then, in 2009, I went for 6 months.  Heavy duty, I thought at the time, patting myself on the back.

Six month after getting unsober, I realized how far I'd fallen from my glory high of sobriety, and decided I needed to stop for at least a year this time.  Which I did.  On June 25, 2010.  Soon I'll cross over the two year mark.  I'm not trying to experience emotion about it.  But that rarely has anything to do with it.


Brian said...

Good for you!

A couple weeks ago I passed 2 1/2 years. After a while you do quit thinking about it. At least I am.

Remember, you are not stopping for 2 years. You are stopping for Life.

hmm said...

That's a good thing to remember. Thanks.