Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Through text message I met an whiff of exposition from a friend via text message.  Yes, I too, get disastrously annoyed at people who feel it necessary to walk and type into their miniture computer phones.   Nothing allows me greater indignity, actually, and I carelessly blast them with an evil stare, holding nothing back--what rejoinder could there possibly be, anyway?  What, I'm texting 911? Maybe, right?  But then again, on a sidewalk, with all of these other people around?  Anyway, it drives me absolutely nuts, and like most things that drive me nuts, I'm a complete hypocrite regarding this fascinating slightly fetishistic practice that takes grown men and allows them to pay 100% of their attention, while walking down a busy street, to a small toy.  And I digress.  Much better to reserve the texting to one's ambiguous gray cubicle.  And here it is: preferences, he said, can be whatever they are; they just are!  There are no rules.  They can be absolutely anything.  Irrationality happens not because preferences are illogical, but when one acts on illogical preferences (or holds a belief because of illogical premises/preferences)--sounds right, and allows me to want whatever it is I want (to covet whatever it is I please, so long as I do not act, and to not feel waves of panic-tinged guilt because of it!).  Just. Don't. Act.

Check. I'll sit here in a gentle burbling steam of dirty laundry water and soapy ground up turkey meat that is my dinner/chore evening etude.

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